The Central Districts Axemen's Association was established in Waroona, Western Australia on the 19th October 1978. The CDAA as it will herein be known, was incorporated on the 31st July 1979 under the Associations Incorporation Act 1987.
The CDAA is responsible for woodchopping competitions throughout the WA districts between Jarrahdale, Byford, Rockingham, Mandurah, Dwellingup, Waroona and the wheatbelt districts between Brookton, Boddington, Pingelly to Narrogin. The Jarrahdale 1500 Log Chop & Community Fair, Waroona Agricultural Show and Dwellingup Log Chop & Community Fair are to name a few.
Visitors to CDAA woodchops can see axemen compete in the Underhand, Standing Block and Tree Felling competitions, and the Double Handed Cross Cut Sawing. They can also see Chainsaw races at selected venues.
Junior wood chopping events comprise of competitors as young as 9 years wielding super-sharp axes. Novice competitors can be either young, or from the mature age group, but are generally new to the competition and are still to win an open event. Open and Championship events host some of the State's best axemen, while Veteran's events involve members who have traditionally derived from the forest industry era.